Celebrating Our Book’s Best Achievement Yet: ‘Imposters on the Zoom!’ Named a Finalist at Readers’ Favorite Book Awards

‘Imposters on the Zoom!’ has been named a finalist at the prestigious Readers’ Favorite Book Awards, marking a significant milestone in our journey since the book’s release in April. This recognition highlights the impactful solutions our book offers for B2B marketing and sales challenges. Join us as we explore how this achievement can benefit your business.

I’m excited to share some incredible news with you all—our book, ‘Imposters on the Zoom!,’ which I have co-written with Journey’s Editorial Director Jason Hagerman, has been named a finalist at the Readers’ Favorite Book Awards, placing us among the top five in the Non-Fiction: Marketing category. This recognition feels particularly special because it comes from Readers’ Favorite, one of the largest and most respected book review and award contest sites on the Internet. Being acknowledged by an organization of this caliber is truly an honor, and I believe this is our best award yet since the book’s release in April.

Who Are Readers’ Favorite?

Readers’ Favorite is a highly respected platform in the literary world, recognized by industry giants like Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins. They have received accolades such as the "Best Websites for Authors" and "Honoring Excellence" awards from the Association of Independent Authors. What makes this even more impressive is that they are fully accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) with an A+ rating—something that is quite rare among book review and award contest companies.  

‘Imposters on the Zoom!’ is penned by author team John Buie and Jason Hagerman in the marketing, sales, and self-improvement subgenres. This comprehensive and engaging work offers practical guidance for marketing managers, sales leaders, owners, and operators of B2B companies to generate more sales leads and overcome imposter syndrome. The book outlines strategies to generate revenue, direct and audit staff better, and master B2B lead generation, emphasizing the importance of overcoming imposter syndrome and setting new records for sales lead generation every month. This accessible and engaging volume is sure to provide valuable insights and actionable strategies for B2B professionals, both established and aspiring. Buie and Hagerman's comprehensive approach to lead generation and overcoming imposter syndrome takes on a really interesting personal, psychological, and emotional perspective that is accommodating and empathetic to readers' individual needs and limitations.

John Buie and Jason Hagerman's step-by-step plan, accompanied by templates, guides, and examples, makes it easy to implement the strategies outlined to achieve tangible results and to bend those ideas to meet specific needs from a suitably general initial format. The book covers a wide range of topics essential for sustained sales lead growth and revenue generation, and everything is well-organized and formatted so that readers can refer back to relevant sections for easy reminders. As they follow along with the detailed walkthroughs and learn about overcoming personal challenges, readers are sure to feel empowered to take control of their professional growth and drive success in their desired future roles. Overall, ‘Imposters on the Zoom!’ is a valuable resource for anyone looking to thrive in the competitive world of B2B marketing and sales and one that I definitely recommend.

- Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Why This Award Matters to Us—and to You

The Readers’ Favorite awards are not just about prestige; they are about recognizing books that truly make an impact. That’s why this particular acknowledgment means so much to us at Journey. It’s a validation of the hard work, research, and dedication that went into creating ‘Imposters on the Zoom!.’

Being named a finalist at Readers’ Favorite is not just a feather in our cap—it’s a testament to the relevance and effectiveness of the strategies we’ve outlined in the book. Since its release, ‘Imposters on the Zoom!’ has been a blueprint for B2B marketing and sales leaders looking to overcome some of the most pressing challenges in today’s business landscape.

But let’s get down to the real reason this matters – the challenges our book addresses and how it can resolve them for you.

Key B2B Business Challenges Our Book Solves

In today’s fast-paced business environment, B2B companies are facing a slew of challenges that can make or break their success. Some of the most pressing issues include:  

Lead Generation

Generating high-quality leads consistently is a daunting task for many B2B businesses. Often, companies struggle with attracting prospects who are genuinely interested in their offerings, leading to a diluted sales funnel and wasted resources.

Imposter Syndrome  

This psychological phenomenon affects professionals at all levels, leading to decreased confidence, poor decision-making, and ultimately, high turnover rates. In the competitive world of B2B sales, imposter syndrome can be a silent killer of productivity and morale.  

Onboarding and Training   

Bringing new team members up to speed is a significant challenge, especially in industries where expertise and efficiency are critical. Slow onboarding processes can lead to lost opportunities and diminished returns on investment in human capital.

Sales Funnel Optimization  

Many businesses struggle to identify bottlenecks in their sales funnels, leading to lower conversion rates and missed revenue opportunities. Optimizing each stage of the funnel is crucial for turning leads into loyal customers.

These challenges are not just obstacles; they are opportunities for growth and improvement. That’s where ‘Imposters on the Zoom!’ comes in.

How Our Book Resolves These Challenges

‘Imposters on the Zoom!’ is designed to be more than just a book—it’s a comprehensive guide that provides actionable insights and practical strategies to overcome these challenges. Let’s dive into how we address each of these issues:  

1. Lead Generation: Building a Reliable Pipeline

In the book, we outline a step-by-step approach to creating an evergreen lead generation system. This system is designed to attract high-quality leads consistently, ensuring that your sales funnel remains robust and your pipeline full. We discuss the importance of understanding your target audience, crafting compelling value propositions, and leveraging various channels to reach potential clients effectively.

“Generating a consistent stream of leads is crucial for B2B success. Our book provides the blueprint for achieving this.”

- says Jason

By implementing the strategies we’ve outlined, you can build a reliable pipeline that not only brings in leads but also filters out those who are less likely to convert, saving your sales team valuable time and effort.

2. Imposter Syndrome: Overcoming the Confidence Killer

Imposter syndrome is more common than you might think, and it can severely impact your team’s performance. In ‘Imposters on the Zoom!,’ we delve into the root causes of imposter syndrome and offer practical solutions to help your employees overcome it. We emphasize the importance of building confidence through continuous learning, mentorship, and creating a supportive work environment.

“Imposter syndrome is a common challenge in the workplace, but it can be overcome with the right support and training,”

- adds Jason 

Our book provides tools and techniques to help your team members feel more confident in their roles, leading to higher productivity, better decision-making, and ultimately, greater job satisfaction.

3. Onboarding and Training: Streamlining Processes for Success

Onboarding new employees can be a time-consuming process, but it’s crucial for ensuring that your team is equipped to succeed. In our book, we offer a streamlined approach to onboarding and training, providing checklists, templates, and best practices that can help you get new hires up to speed quickly and efficiently.

“Our goal is to provide practical, actionable insights that businesses can implement immediately to see real results,”

- I explain. 

By following our recommendations, you can reduce the time it takes for new employees to become productive members of your team, allowing you to maximize your return on investment in human capital.

4. Sales Funnel Optimization: Turning Leads into Loyal Customers

Optimizing your sales funnel is essential for converting leads into loyal customers. In ‘Imposters on the Zoom!,’ we break down each stage of the funnel and provide strategies for identifying and addressing bottlenecks. From nurturing leads to closing deals, our book offers a comprehensive guide to improving your conversion rates and boosting your bottom line.

“With a blueprint like this, you can establish a baseline of predictable, manageable year-over-year growth that insulates the business from the impacts of a big customer loss or rapid staff turnover,”

- I added further.  

By implementing these strategies, you can ensure that your sales process is as efficient and effective as possible, leading to sustained growth and long-term success.

The Impact on Our Target Customers

The recognition from Readers’ Favorite is not just a win for us—it’s a win for you. The strategies and insights in ‘Imposters on the Zoom!’ are designed to have a direct and positive impact on your business. Whether you’re a business owner, marketing leader, or sales professional, this book provides the tools you need to overcome your biggest challenges and achieve your goals.

For our target customers—B2B businesses looking to grow their leads, optimize their sales funnels, and retain top talent—this book is a must-read. It’s not just about theory; it’s about practical, actionable strategies that you can implement immediately to see real results.

Conclusion: Join the Journey to Excellence  

At Journey, we’re passionate about helping B2B businesses succeed. The recognition from Readers’ Favorite is a testament to the value that ‘Imposters on the Zoom!’ brings to the table, and we couldn’t be more proud.

Join the Journey  

We invite you to join us on this journey to excellence. 'Imposters On The Zoom!' offers the insights and tools you need to succeed in B2B marketing and sales. Whether you’re looking to improve your lead generation, address imposter syndrome, or streamline your onboarding processes, our book provides the guidance you need.

"With a blueprint like this, you can establish a baseline of predictable, manageable year-over-year growth that insulates the business from the impacts of a big customer loss or rapid staff turnover,"

- says Buie.

For more information on how Journey can help your business achieve its goals, connect with John and I (Jason) on LinkedIn and join the conversation about the future of B2B marketing and sales.

Grab your copy of the book now! Grab your copy now on Amazon.

Thank you for celebrating this achievement with us. Here’s to many more milestones and successes on the horizon!  

in Book
OnlineBookClub.org Applauds 'Imposters On The Zoom!' - A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering B2B Marketing
Discover why OnlineBookClub.org applauds 'Imposters on the Zoom!' as a comprehensive guide to mastering B2B marketing and learn how our book can elevate your business strategies.